The workshop consists of two parts. For the first part, we accept submissions on the following topics, although the list is not exhaustive:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
  • Open Science and Citizen Science
  • Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR)
  • Educational, Psychological, or Didactic Aspects of Gamification
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Analog and Hybrid Gamification
  • Gamification for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Ethical Aspects of Gamification
  • Sustainability

This list represents emerging gamification application fields. Of course, other topics such as adaptive and personalized gamification, gamification definitions and theories, serious games and game-based learning, and many other topics are welcome. As a result, we also seek contributions about previously identified research gaps, such as the ones listed below:

  • Focusing on the research area, in particular definitions and theories for gamification and beyond.
  • Analyzing game design elements, particularly the individual-, joint- and user-related effects.
  • How to replace PBL (points, badges, and leaderboards) with other game design elements.
  • Identifying long-term effects in empirical studies and how to conduct experiments.

Accepted papers will be published in the open access GI Digital Library and are indexed by Google Scholar and others. In preparation for submitting a paper for the workshop, it is highly recommended to familiarize oneself with a related publication about this workshop. Please reference it at an appropriate place in your submission to make the fit for this workshop visible. The corresponding publication of the workshop can be found for free download here (ResearchGate) or here (Journal i-com, published by De Gruyter).

A hands-on workshop on a current topic will occur in the second part of the workshop. E.g., we will discuss how to critically examine and evaluate existing gamification implementations, including ethical aspects. Participants will discuss together in a World-Café style manner. The active exchange between the community has proven to be a success factor of the workshop and will therefore be maintained. Although we have an open-end session, we expect this second part to last two or three hours.

Important information and dates:

  • Link on the conference pages: tbd
  • Link for submission: tbd
  • Language: German or English
  • Length: 4-8 pages, including references, not anonymized
  • Template: click here for general information – ACM two-column format (Word version)
  • Deadline: 14.06.2024 – this is the final deadline; there will not be any extension!
  • Notification about acceptance: 28.06.2024
  • Submission of the final paper: 19.07.2024
  • Workshop: 01.09.2024

At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop in-person and on-site and register for at least one day of the conference.

For further information or if you have any questions, write an email at