The workshop Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded will take place in person on 1 September 2024.

The full-day workshop consists of two parts. Both of them will be in-person events and will conducted on-site with no hybrid options. The first part includes the presentation and in-depth discussion of selected papers, which will also be included in the workshop proceedings of the Mensch und Computer 2024 conference. The organizing team will select the papers according to a preceding peer review, whereby at least three reviewers will evaluate each submission. In previous years, between two and four submissions were selected for presentation, which is also the intention for 2024. This first part will last between one and a half and three hours and thus last the morning.

Like in previous years, in the second part of the workshop, a hands-on workshop on a topic yet to be determined will occur. One possible idea would be to discuss how to critically examine and evaluate existing gamification implementations, including ethical aspects. Participants will discuss together in a World-Café style manner. The active exchange between the community has proven to be a success factor of the workshop and will therefore be maintained. Although we have an open-end session, we expect this second part to last two or three hours.

Accepted workshop submissions on gamification will be presented and discussed at the workshop. The accepted presentations and the exact schedule will be published here and updated continuously. Workshop participation is also possible and encouraged without a workshop submission.

Location: TBD located at Karlsruhe, Germany


Schedule (Workshop 2024)